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Medicine Wheel in the Age of Covid: an Interview with Rob Stevenson

When the pandemic started, Alderville First Nation was entirely shut down, and all stores on the territory were completely closed for three months. With the store shuttered, Medicine Wheel had to lay off about 40 employees. All staff members were paid two weeks’ wages, and because the staff were all on payroll, they were eligible for COVID-19 financial support.

Medicine Wheel in the Age of Covid: an Interview with Rob Stevenson Read More »

Seniors & Cannabis

Seniors are increasingly using cannabis medically. Indeed, some studies suggest that seniors may in fact be the fastest-growing demographic to use medical cannabis.  As access and information become more open, many elders are increasingly choosing cannabis over pharmaceuticals. However, seniors are perhaps the most underserved group when it comes to medical cannabis. Until recently, cannabis

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Red Feather Certification as Indigenous Self-Regulation

One of the biggest issues facing the Indigenous cannabis industry is the question of regulation.  Even though cannabis is one of the safest plants – far less harmful to human health than mass produced corn, sugar cane, or wheat, for example – schools, churches, and the media have highly stigmatized the plant in the near

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A Guide to Cannabinoids

Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid (THCA) THCA is the main constituent in raw cannabis. THCA converts to Δ9-THC when burned, vaporized, or heated at a certain temperature. THCA, CBDA, CBGA, and other acidic cannabinoids hold the most COX-1 and COX-2 inhibition, contributing to cannabis’ anti-inflammatory effects. This cannabinoid also acts as an antiproliferative and antispasmodic. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) The

A Guide to Cannabinoids
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