Healing with cannabis and building a national market for Indigenous brands and products.
Working in collaboration with Medicine Wheel Natural Healing (an Indigenous dispensary in Alderville First Nation) and Dispensing Freedom (a media project covering the Indigenous Cannabis industry) the Red Road Trading Co. is proud to present the latest edition of the Ailment and Treatment Guide for Healing with Cannabis.
This guide evolved from an earlier edition that was produced by Medicine Wheel Natural Healing. Medicine Wheel’s staff of researchers and patient advisors created this catalogue to help our clients find the best possible cannabis related treatment for their ailments. To date, we have printed over 60,000 copies of this guide, and provided it free of charge to each new client of our store.
Now we are moving to expand the guide and to showcase the wide array of Indigenous cannabis products that can help to heal and treat over 20 common ailments. The guide is structured into four different editorial sections: news and information about Indigenous cannabis businesses and brands, background information about the science of healing with cannabis, a list of ailments that can be treated with cannabis, and product information about Indigenous cannabis products we recommend.
The guide is structured into five different editorial sections: news and information about Indigenous cannabis businesses and brands, information about the science of healing with cannabis, a list of ailments that can be treated with cannabis, product ads for Indigenous cannabis brands, and a directory listing over 250 different Indigenous cannabis storefronts where you can access these products.
If you own an Indigenous cannabis dispensary or product line, we would love to advertise your store and your products so we can help build a larger and stronger Indigenous cannabis industry right across Turtle Island.
To view our media kit or to place an ad, email us at info@redroadtrading.com.
Chi Miigwech!
Rob Stevenson,
Red Road Trading Co.