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Mukwa Botanicals Releaf Massage Oil

Full Spectrum, whole plant cannabis extract infused massage oil, key for relieving pain. aching muscles and reducing inflammation. 60mg THC, 30mg CBD


Availability: 11 in stock

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Mukwa Releaf Massage Oil contains Eucalyptus, spearmint, and peppermint essential oils that pair together to cool the skin on contact. This oil works well to relieve aches, pains, and inflammation. Additionally, when paired with a massage, prepare for ultimate relaxation. The physical massage paired with this oil help repair damaged tissues and help you feel reenergized. Additionally, this will provide nourishment for your skin and leave behind a pleasant, uplifting, and minty aroma.

Ingredients: MCT oil, Pure Essential Oils, Activated Organic THC/CBD plant matter, Lecithin.

60 mg THC / 30 mg CBD

Keep out of the reach of children and pets.

Mukwa means bear in the Ojibway language. The bear represents courage, strength, and leadership. The bear clan’s responsibility is to provide medicine for the people as they are the clan required to know the healing properties of plants and to physically protect the people. It is the goal of Mukwa Botanicals to offer healing and leadership in forging a proud Indigenous place in the cannabis industry. 

Mukwa Botanicals is a brand created by Rob Stevenson of Alderville First Nation in collaboration with Pure Leaf Infusion in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory. Rob identified the need for an Indigenous brand that would uphold the Seven Grandfather Teachings that underpin the core philosophy of Medicine Wheel Natural Healing. All Mukwa products are made in an organic, ethical, sustainable fashion and have passed the Red Feather Certification process.

Dimensions 4 × 4 × 14 cm


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