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your premium clones
from us!

Whether you've grown clones before or this is your first time, you'll find some tips and tricks that are sure to help this growing season!

Just submit your email and get your guide! Here are just a few things you will get in the MW Clone Chronicles:

  • Growing Essentials Checklist
  • Phases of Growing your Clone
  • FAQ's

    Growing Tip #1

    Temperature & humidity are huge contributing factors to your growing conditions and the outcome of your plant. If it isn't balanced, your plant will not receive the proper uptake in nutrients.

    Growing Tip #2

    Overwatering your plant is just as detrimental as not watering it enough. It is best to water it as needed by determining the density of the soil by touch. If the soil feels dry, that is a good indicator your plant is thirsty.

    Growing Tip #3

    Lighting is very important when it comes to growing as it signals when your plant needs to enter the next cycle. Our
    MW Clone Chronicles will break down the best lighting strategies to ensure a healthy plant.

    Begin your
    Growing Journey Today!

    You don't have to be a master grower or possess a green thumb. This PDF will provide you all the insight you need to cultivate a beautiful plant this season!

    Fill out your name and email at the top of the page to receive this guide!




    Start Growing Healthy
    Clones Today!

    Medicine Wheel Natural Healing © Copyright 2021


    Our team has worked tirelessly to continue serving our beautiful community nationwide! 

    Please note we cannot send any mail to PO Boxes, however, we can work with you to find a location close to pick up!

    Thanks for all your support, love, and understanding through this!

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